Margot Robbie Drank Goat Milk to get Doll-Like Skin For 'Barbie'

Margot Robbie Drank Goat Milk to get Doll-Like Skin For 'Barbie'

Let's talk about the Hollywood scene and the not-so-secret skincare hack of the stars – goat milk!

Margot Robbie. The iconic actress who brought Barbie to life. Well, turns out she's all about that goat milk life when it comes to her skin.She's not the only one! Her squad of A-listers, under the guidance of skin guru Jasmina Vico, jumped on the goat milk train, too. 

So, why all the hype about goat milk? It's packed with vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, making it a powerhouse for your skin. Vitamin A does wonders – it repairs damaged skin, keeps it soft, and fights off wrinkles. And don't forget about vitamins C and E – they're like the superheroes of skincare, battling those pesky signs of aging and giving you that fresh-faced look.

Maintaining healthy, glowy, skin starts from within. A game-changer for this is maintaining a healthy gut. Vico sends clients home with kefir and goat milk to ensure their gut microbiomes are thriving.

Making small changes in your diet can improve the balance of bacteria within the gut. So, next time you're thinking about your skincare routine, why not switch to a goat-based dairy diet? Your skin will thank you for it 🐐✨



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